Stony Farm Realty
Gordon and Barbara MacPhee, Stony Farm RealtyPhone: (508) 847-2803
Email: [email protected]
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List Price $550,000
Sold Price $537,500
65 Osgood Road
Sterling, MA 01564
Courtesy of LandVest, Inc. - Keith Ross
MLS Property Information Network
2,015,521Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

This 46.27 ac property is subject to a permanent Conservation Restriction(CR) on 44 ac of the property with a 2.27 acre area excluded from CR as a location in the north west corner for a building lot. Property abuts the Wachusett Watershed protected land along its northern border. The 44 ac consists of 19 ac of fields balance in forests. CR allows for farming & forestry and the construction of sheds and other buildings required for the stewardship of the land subject to the CR holders permission. The CR is held by the town of Sterling and requires the fields to be maintained in an open condition & not be neglected for more than a two year period. There is a well in place in the building area and a perk test was completed, but will need to be renewed. Fields divided into five areas on the property and are currently growing hay. Osgood Road is known for the terrific views to the west as well as the east. Excluded 2.27 ac found at Book 69870 Page 1, CR found at Book 70034 Page 95.

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Information courtesy of LandVest, Inc. is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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